Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Is There a Way to Overcome Laziness?

One of the main reasons why we fail an exam (based on the survey) is laziness.
One question... Is there a way to overcome it?
There are many articles, books, and tips around the web that explains how to overcome laziness. To summarize some of the tips that we can do to overcome laziness are the following:
Have a regular exercise – after a 15 to 30 min of work out your body will feel energized. Scientific studies showed that a low oxygen levels are associated with poor health such as:
  • Poor concentration and forgetfulness
  • Easily stressed and anxious
  • Shortness of breath when walking short distances
  • Cramping of leg muscles
  • Swollen ankles
  • General fatigue, particularly after eating
  • Re-occurring chest infections
  • Blueness of fingertips and lips
Eat healthy and nutritious food – avoid unhealthy food and drinks as much as you can. Unhealthy food makes us lazy.
Have enough sleep - When we do have it, we not only feel better, but are calmer, smarter, more rational, and nicer to be around and we look better.
Setting and following goals - They give you long-term vision and short-term motivation. They focus your acquisition of knowledge, and help you to organize your time and your resources so that you can make the very most of your life.
Rewarding yourself - rewarding yourself will not only increase your personal morale, but it will actually have a positive effect on your time management
Learn from successful people - Successful people who have overcome challenges can teach you to leverage adversity in a new way. You can also learn much about your values and interests by thinking about why you consider certain people more successful than others.

Challenging yourself - When you set challenging goals it brings out the passion, excitement and enthusiasm from within and you stand a better chance of reaching the highest levels possible. When you have challenging goals you learn how to prioritize.

Here are some articles that also focus on overcoming laziness.
Read on…

How to Overcome Laziness
We all have sky high dreams in our life. Many of us also know how to achieve it but fail to work hard and achieve our dreams.  Have you ever noticed that we always have enough time to watch our favorite movie or play our favorite sport or go to our favorite restaurant but not enough time to clean our house or complete our office work or learn a new skill? We are simply lazy when it comes to doing some useful productive work.
Personal growth is impossible without plenty of productive work from our side and one of the biggest challenges of being productive is laziness.  Laziness is natural and normal human beings love to sit idle unless they are forced by circumstances to do otherwise. Is it possible to beat laziness and start working for our goals? Is it possible to be energetic all the time? Here are 7 powerful tips to overcome laziness:
Physical activity: Find at least 30 minutes for exercise every day. It will improve our blood circulation and will keep us active and energetic all the day. Simple low intensity exercises could cut fatigue by half and increase energy by at least 20%. Walking is the simplest way to increase your energy levels.
Eat sensibly: Excess food as well as unhealthy food will make us lazy. Take care to eat only when hungry and eat small chunks of healthy food. Try to avoid caffeine as much as possible.
Sleep well: We spend so much of our time on unproductive tasks that we often get very less sleep. This will again leave you lazy next day. Sleep at least 6-8 everyday. It will make us more energetic, active and productive.
Aim to minimize idle time: Observe yourself everyday and keep a mental record of your idle time. Try your level best to minimize it. Limit watching TV and browsing internet unnecessarily. You could decide not to watch a movie in TV which you have already watched before.
Keep a schedule: Writing is very boring but it is very effective. Write down all the tasks which you need to do and mark it as done as when and when each task is finished. It will remind us how unproductive we are and we could measure our improvement using it.
Take one bite at a time: Break down the tasks into manageable chunks. Take one chunk at a time and complete it. Huge tasks will create a mental block even before we start working on it. Each completed small task will motivate us to work on the next.
Reward yourself: Most often our dreams are so huge that we will get the results only after a long time. Till then we could reward ourselves for completing each stage or milestone. The reward could be your favorite meal or movie or dress.
Watch successful people around: Just look around and we could see many ordinary but successful people who succeeded only with their disciplined work. Observe what they are doing different and try to learn a lesson or two from them.
Challenge yourself: Continuous improvement is the key to success and we should challenge ourselves every day. We need to compete with ourselves everyday and measure the progress. Though we should learn from others, do not compare yourself with others since our objective is not to achieve something which is already achieved by others but to set new benchmarks.
Live your passion: This is one tip which virtually makes all other tips redundant. If we could find our passion and make it our career we no more need any other motivation to be energetic. Our passion will drive us forward and keep our energy levels up. If we are doing some job which we do not like, we should seriously think about finding and living our passion.
For more personal growth related articles visit []

How to Overcome Laziness Effectively
A noted French writer Jules Renard says "Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired". This statement may surely make us laugh but we cannot deny this fact. Feeling lazy or indolent is a normal human expression of disinterest in an activity or resting when your body needs it. It is called a blank; plain feeling of emptiness which if allowed to grow can become chronic. According to doctors, laziness is a mental and a physical condition that results from disinterest or a lack to motivation to do something and can even result in death. People have lost their lives on account of postponing their breath just because they could not overcome laziness in time. And this is serious.
If you have been feeling guilty of not completing tasks in time and suffered, if this has persisted, your condition needs attention. Laziness is a demon that sits on our shoulder and jumps in right at an idle moment taking complete control over our mind and body. The key here is 'never to have an idle moment'.
Our mind plays tricks on us. Whenever we have been assigned something important, it tries to lure us into a relaxing activity. It is only after we learn how to control our mind and direct it towards a goal will we be able to kill this demon and overcome laziness. Below are some tried and tested instructions to overcome laziness no matter how chronic your condition be.
o Start with prepare a list of activities you most enjoy and indulge in one such activity the moment you feel lazy. Indulging in an activity of your choice will be a motivating factor.and help you overcome laziness of the moment.
o Do not let boredom set into your work. Praise yourself continuous for your achievements and strengths and reward yourself. Motivating yourself is a great way to get interest back in work.
o Never do everything together. Chunk mammoth tasks into smaller achievable sub tasks that are easier to accomplish and you may not resist doing them instead of picking up a bigger task and leaving it midway, never to complete it again.
o Workout and exercise. This can be a great help when trying to overcome laziness. Exercise helps enhance your energy levels and generates happy thoughts. You actually end up feeling refreshed and active after a 15 minute workout or a walk. All it takes is a step out of your comfort zone.
o Set realistic and achievable goals for your day ahead. Remind yourself continuously about the importance of completing these tasks and the aftermaths in case you do not. Set reminders for completing these tasks using your phone, PC or sticky notes on your desk.
o Stay away from the couch or bed during daytime. After getting up in the morning, make your bed You will have put in more effort into getting it back into shape if you decide to spoil the sheets and lie down.
o Never have an idle moment. Leave your home if there's just nothing you can do except watching television or browsing web pages uselessly. However, if you can look around and find something that you should rather be doing instead of indulging in something that is only good enough to kill your time, do it.
o Do not postpone. Jimmy Lyons once said "Tomorrow is the only day in the year that appeals to a lazy man." How true! People who don't want to work will always find excuses to postpone it to a later moment mostly never to do it at all. So stick to this"Do it and do it now!"
o Kill your routines. Routines can be boring. Make frequent changes to your routine. Allow swapping activities scheduled for different times of the day if you can. This will help induce freshness and appeal into your work and will motivate you to overcome laziness. Try doing something you've always wanted to do, but could not just because either it did not fit into your routine or you were bothered about how the world would react. Stop thinking just act right away. Feel special and happy. Indulge.
o Make new and happy friends who are not lazy and know how to enjoy life. Do not be in the company of lazy people. Acquaint yourself with people with whom you share common interests and who make you feel happy and motivated.
Laziness is just a state of your mind. With a little brain training and perseverance, you can overcome this demon easily and effectively.
We hope you could use these tips! To learn more about how to stop procrastinating and overcome your laziness go to How To Overcome Laziness.

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